Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How I'm Going To End the Creation - Evolution Debate

You may or may not be aware that coffee has a very quick “mold-creation” rate.  If you leave a cup of coffee sitting out for too long, it will quickly begin to develop mold spores.  In fact, I would imagine, that in just a week or two a mug of coffee would develop a bog-like surface if left alone.


I’m placing a full mug of coffee in a secluded room where it will be undisturbed.  I’m also leaving instructions in my will that in 100 years, my grandchildren are to go into that room and document the lives of all the mold creatures that have come to life.

That’ll show those silly creationists.


  1. Didn't mean to offend in any way with my prior comment. I'm still honestly unsure as to whether this is a Poe. What are the rules for comment deletion here?

  2. feel free to discuss the post. if you think it's a "poe" that's fine, it probably doesn't need to be discussed. if you have to ask, that probably means something... but i'm just not interested in extending discussions about trolls, poes, etc...

    no offense taken, none meant, the problem is that once someone calls "poe!" or "troll!" no one else can comment without feeling stupid...

    these comments will self-destruct in 15 minutes.

  3. Maybe I should make it clear -- a Poe is not a troll nor an accusation of trolling. I'm legitimately interested to know whether this post is a sarcastic criticism of creationism or a sarcastic criticism of evolutionary theory. I suppose I simply lack the necessary context to figure it out.

    If this is a sarcastic criticism of evolutionary theory, I'm not sure what audience it's intended to appeal to, exactly. If this is a sarcastic criticism of creationism, then well played.

  4. hmm... i may be missing it here, but it seems like you are saying, "If this post supports my view, well played. If it confronts my view, it's not well done."

    i may be oversimplifying. i think you're probably making more of it than you need to. does it have to be one or the other? does it have to be sarcastic? does it have to be a criticism?

  5. Well, obviously there is sarcasm involved, and unless this is an extremely subtle appeal for total objective relativism, one side or the other is clearly being criticized.

    I was still YEC quite recently, so I'm just as miffed by grotesque caricatures of creationism as I am by grotesque caricatures of evoluationary theory. Note that I didn't say the post wasn't well-done, only that I couldn't figure out what audience it was directed toward as a sarcastic criticism of evolution. Interpreted as a criticism of evolution, this is a far more distorted caricature than if it is interpreted as a criticism of creationism.

  6. have you ever seen a cup of coffee that has been sitting undisturbed for two weeks?

    that's the real point...

  7. leaving the coffee cup sitting doesn't show anything. Mold and bacteria growing in the cup (or a glass of water, or on food, etc) are pre-existing - either in previously small amounts in the coffee, or transferred from the environment into the cup.

    This isn't life from non-life, or one kind of life turning into a different kind of life. Let me know when frogs or lizards emerge from the coffee...

  8. and there you have it, tentativecynic. sometimes, you just have to wait. :)

  9. Creation. Evolution. Whatever.
    I'm rinsing out my coffee cup immediately.
